NCC Health and Hygiene MCQ/Objective Questions Answers in English A, B & C Certificate Exam 2023-2024

1. When does the heart beat faster ?

A. After jogging

B. After eating

C. During sleep

D. when resting

Answer :-  A. After jogging

2. Which parts of the heart pumps blood to main parts of the body ?

A. Left ventricle

B. Atria and ventricles

C. Either of the ventricles

D. Both left and right ventricles

Answer :-  A. Left ventricle

3. Camp Hygiene means includes?

A. Removal of waste

B. Water cleaning

C. Area cleaning

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

4. The number of bones in an adult human is?

A. 206

B. 365

C. 408

D. 208

Answer :-  A. 206

5. Which organ does Jaundice affect?

A. Lungs

B. Heart

C. Liver

D. Stomach

Answer :-  C. Liver

6. Deficiency of calcium causes ?

A. Poor growth of teeth and gums

B. Goitre

C. Anemia

D. Polio

Answer :-  A. Poor growth of teeth and gums

7. Most common urinal used for Camps ___?

A. Funnel Urinals

B. Deep Urinals

C. Steel Urinals

D. Shallow urinals

Answer :-  A. Funnel Urinals

8. largest orgen of human body is ?

A. skin

B. lungs

C. ears

D. liver

Answer :-  A. skin

9. Essential for good health?

A. Environmental Cleanliness

B. Physical hygiene

C. Both A and B

D. None of These

Answer :-  C. Both A and B

10. Personal hygiene helps?

A. To build an attractive personality

B. Provides conceptual Stability

C. Both of the

D. None of these

Answer :-  C. Both of the

11. Whats the time washing hands with soap

A. 40 to 60 Seconds

B. 20 to 30 Seconds

C. 2 Minutes

D. 5 Minutes

Answer :-  B. 20 to 30 Seconds

12. The world health Day is Celebrated on ?

A. 1St March

B. 7th April

C. 6th October

D. 10th December

Answer :-  B. 7th April

13. Who invented vaccination?

A. Lauis pasteur

B. Jans Salk

C. Edward Jenner

D. Alexander fleming

Answer :-  C. Edward Jenner

14. Our living place should be ?

A. Opened

B. Closed can

C. Cleand

D. Unclean/Untidy

Answer :-  C. Cleand

15. world diabetes day observed on?

A. Dec-01 1

B. Oct-08

C. Nov-14

D. Nov-29

Answer :-  C. Nov-14

16. Which of the following organ is affected in jaudndice?

A. Small intestine

B. Liver

C. Stomach

D. Pancrease

Answer :-  B. Liver

17. Which of the following is a vitamin ?

A. Insulim

B. Adrenaline

C. Riboflavin

D. Carotin

Answer :-  C. Riboflavin

18. What does Vitamin K deficiency lead to ?

A. Problem in blood Coagulation

B. Problem in digestion

C. Problem in calcium Metabolism

D. All the theee

Answer :-  A. Problem in blood Coagulation

19. Name of sunshine Vitamin ?

A. A

B. D

C. C

D. B

Answer :-  B. D

20. Which food item contains fat ?

A. Butter

B. Fish

C. Green vegetable

D. None of these

Answer :-  A. Butter

21. Orange is rich source of ?

A. Proteins

B. Carbohydrates

C. Vitamin C

D. iodine

Answer :-  C. Vitamin C

22. Which is the good source of protein ?

A. Green Vegetables

B. Rice

C. Fruits

D. Eggs

Answer :-  D. Eggs

23. Which of the following is a good source of iron ?

A. Green vegetables

B. Potato

C. Tomato

D. carrot

Answer :-  A. Green vegetables

24. We get vitamin A from which of the following ?

A. Beet root

B. Lemon

C. carrot

D. Pulses

Answer :-  C. carrot

25. Which is not a neural disorder ?

A. Epilepsy

B. Parkinson’s disease

C. Goitre

D. Alzheimer’s disease

Answer :-  C. Goitre

26. Which one the following is an unhealthy habit?

A. wasting of food

B. Bathing twice a day

C. Drinking boiled water

D. Eating without washing one’s hand

Answer :-  D. Eating without washing one’s hand

27. World Mental Health Day observed on ?

A. 01-Dec

B. 11-Jul

C. 10-Oct

D. 14-Nov

Answer :-  C. 10-Oct

28. How many grams of proteins are there in one egg?

A. 6

B. 12

C. 34

D. 1

Answer :-  A. 6

29. Which of the following gives eggs?

A. Duck

B. Cow

C. Goat

D. Donkey

Answer :-  A. Duck

30. The part of banana plant not used as food is? dsy

A. Flower

B. Fruit

C. Stem

D. Root

Answer :-  D. Root

31. Which of the following is not an ingredient for preparing dal?

A. Pulses

B. Kerosene

C. Oil or ghee

D. Salt

Answer :-  B. Kerosene

32. Which of the following systems in man is affected by the bite of the cobra?

A. digestive

B. heamatology

C. neural

D. Musculoskeletal

Answer :-  C. neural

33. Why physical fitness is important for a person ?

A. Overall health

B. Boost energy

C. personality development

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

34. Which one of the following is not a bacterial disease?


B. Dengue

C. Measles

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

35. Which of the following diseases is not caused by bacteria?

A. Typhoid

B. Poliomyelitis

C. Tuberculosis

D. All of the above

Answer :-  B. Poliomyelitis

36. Which one of the following is a noncontagious disease?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Diabetes

C. Influenza

D. Typhoid

Answer :-  B. Diabetes

37. Which one of the following is caused due to mosquito-bite?

A. Typhoid

B. Cholera

C. Malaria

D. Tuberculosis

Answer :-  C. Malaria

38. Malaria is caused by?

A. Bacteria

B. Protozoan

C. Fungi

D. Virus

Answer :-  B. Protozoan

39. The organisms which cause diseases in plants and animals are called ?

A. Pathogens

B. Vectors

C. Worms

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

40. Which one of the following is a viral disease?

A. Measles

B. Dengue


D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

41. Which of the following related to congenital diaseases

A. Genetic abnormally

B. Herediatary

C. Diabetic

D. None

Answer :-  A. Genetic abnormally

42. Which one of the following is a hereditary disease?

A. Osteoporosis

B. Pellagra

C. Haemophilia

D. Leprosy

Answer :-  C. Haemophilia

43. Which of the following is a noncommunicable disease?

A. Filariasis

B. Typhoid

C. Polio

D. Anaemia

Answer :-  D. Anaemia

44. Leukocytes are?

A. Plasma

B. Red blood cells

C. Platelets

D. White blood cells

Answer :-  D. White blood cells

45. Which of these diseases related to rat ?

A. Dengue

B. Sleeping sickness

C. Malaria

D. Plague

Answer :-  D. Plague

46. Which of there is not a viral disease ?

A. Rabies

B. Measles

C. Filariasis

D. Dengue

Answer :-  C. Filariasis

47. Which of the following is a bacterial disease ?

A. Malaria

B. Measles

C. Plague

D. Dengue

Answer :-  C. Plague

48. Which of the following is a communicable disease ?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Diabetes

C. Hypertension

D. Kwashiokor

Answer :-  A. Tuberculosis

49. A Transmittable protozoan disease is ?

A. Amoebic dysentery

B. Syphilis

C. Cholera

D. Sickle cell anemia

Answer :-  A. Amoebic dysentery

50. Non-infectious diseases are best difined as ?

A. All diseases that can be transmitted from mother to child

B. All diseases of old age

C. Anasarca

D. Dependent edema

Answer :-  D. Dependent edema

51. What is the other name for infectious diseases ?

A. Non-communicable diseases

B. Communicable diseases

C. Non-transmissible diseases

D. Heredity diseases

Answer :-  B. Communicable diseases

52. Which one of the following is a water borne disease ?

A. Cholera

B. Tuberculosis

C. Malaria


Answer :-  A. Cholera

53. Which of the following disease is caused due to animal bite ?

A. Malaria

B. Tetanus

C. Rabies

D. Tuberculosis

Answer :-  C. Rabies

54. Congenital diseases are ?

A. Disease caused due to food

B. Diseases present since birth

C. Diseases that spread from one indivudual to another

D. Diseases that occur during life time

Answer :-  B. Diseases present since birth

55. Lack of vitamin A leads to wich disease ?

A. Rickets

B. Anaemia

C. Night blindness

D. Heart diseases

Answer :-  C. Night blindness

56. Which of the following stage when Primary first aid is given?





Answer :-  D. ALL OF THE ABOVE

57. Anti venom against snake poison contains?

A. Antigens

B. Antigen-antibody complexes

C. Antibodies

D. Enzymes

Answer :-  C. Antibodies

58. What is the main aim of first aid?

A. Preserve

B. Prevent

C. Promote

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

59. What is the normal range of blood pressure?

A. 110/70

B. 120/80

C. 130/90

D. 100/60

Answer :-  B. 120/80

60. What should you keep in a first aid kit?

A. Cotton

B. Bandages

C. Antiseptic

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

61. Which is the help in control the bleeding?

A. Pressure

B. Bandages

C. Elevation

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

62. What is the normal range of Pulse rate per minute ?

A. 60-80

B. 70-100

C. 60-100

D. 50-90

Answer :-  C. 60-100

63. Treatment method of swelling from a head injury is?

A. Cold compression

B. Hot compress

C. Medicate

D. Leave it

Answer :-  A. Cold compression

64. Dry bandage is done for ?

A. To stop blood flow

B. To stop the pain

C. To apply pressure to the wound

D. To prevent wound extension

Answer :-  A. To stop blood flow

 65. how many bandages required for complete head bandaging

A. One bandage

B. Two bandage

C. Three bandage

D. Four bandage

Answer :-  B. Two bandage

66. The rabies virus is passed on by contact with what part of an infected animal?

A. Leg

B. claws

C. tooth

D. saliva

Answer :-  D. saliva

67. How should you open the airway of an unconscious casuality?

A. Head tilt and chin

B. Jaw thrust

C. Head till and jaw trust

D. Lift the chin

Answer :-  A. Head tilt and chin

68. What is a first aid?

A. Special treatment given by a doctor

B. Treatment given for drowing

C. treatment given to the patient before the arrival of the doctor

D. Scorpion bite treatment

Answer :-  C. treatment given to the patient before the arrival of the doctor

69. In first aid burn area can be washed with?

A. tap water

B. Ointment

C. Ice water

D. None of these

Answer :-  A. tap water

70. What would you give to someone who seems to have a heart attack?

A. Massage


C. Asprin

D. Call for help

Answer :-  B. CPR

71. What is the normal number of breaths every minute in a healthy adult?

A. 12 to 20

B. 20 to 35

C. 16 to 30

D. 20 to 30

Answer :-  A. 12 to 20

72. What is the normal body temprature in a healthy adult?

A. Around 33 degree

B. Around 37.5 degree

C. Around 41.5 degree

D. None of these

Answer :-  B. Around 37.5 degree

73. During the nose bleed which position should you keep your head?

A. Head backwars

B. Head level

C. Head forwards

D. None of these

Answer :-  C. Head forwards

74. In CPR what is the right ratio of chest compression to breaths?

A. 30 to 2

B. 30 to 1

C. 30 to 4

D. 30 to 5

Answer :-  A. 30 to 2

75. Which of the following should not be applied to a sunburn?

A. Petroleum

B. Moisturing lotion

C. liquid

D. Aloevera gel

Answer :-  A. Petroleum

76. When you have a burn what is the first step to do?

A. To cool the burn

B. To clean the burn

C. To cover the burn

D. All of the above

Answer :-  A. To cool the burn

77. What is your first action when examinating of condition of a patient?

A. Breathing

B. Insurance

C. Speak to the victim and shake his shoulder

D. Check the internal injury

Answer :-  C. Speak to the victim and shake his shoulder

78. Which of the following provide instant energy?

A. Glucose

B. Maltose

C. Cellulose

D. Lactose

Answer :-  C. Cellulose

79. Water percentage in plasma is ?

A. 60%

B. 70%

C. 80%

D. 90%

Answer :-  D. 90%

80. How much water is needed for a man in a day ?

A. 2 L

B. 3 L

C. 1.5 L  

D. 1 L  

Answer :-  A. 2 L

81. AIDS caused by?





Answer :-  B. HIV

82. Which organ is affected by Covid-19 ?

A. Liver

B. Lungs

C. Stomach

D. All of the above

Answer :-  B. Lungs

83. Human body is made up of bones?

A. 206

B. 208

C. 204

D. 212

Answer :-  A. 206

84. Rabies is caused by the bite of ?

A. Dog

B. Cat

C. Elephant

D. Hourse

Answer :-  A. Dog

85. Whole blood is stored at:

A. 8-22 degree C

B. 4-8 degree C

C. 0 Degree C

D. At room temperature

Answer :-  B. 4-8 degree C

86. First aid t method of swelling from a head injury is ?

A. Cold compress

B. Hot compression

C. Medicate

D. Leave it

Answer :-  A. Cold compress

87. The CPR that should be done to the heart attck patients per minute is ?

A. 3 times

B. 6 Times

C. 2 Times

D. 10 Times

Answer :-  B. 6 Times

88. AIDS is the short form of which of the following diseases?

A. Abnormal Immune Deficiency Syndrome

B. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

C. Anticipated Immune Deficiency Syndrome

D. Acquired Immune Deformity Syndrome.

Answer :-  B. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

89. When is International Yoga Day Celebration?

A. 25-Jun

B. 24-Jun

C. 21-Jun

D. 22-Jun

Answer :-  C. 21-Jun

90. How many types of Yoga are there?

A. 5

B. 4

C. 6

D. 7

Answer :-  B. 4

91. From which language the word Yoga Originated?

A. Hindi

B. Sanskrit

C. English

D. Bangali

Answer :-  B. Sanskrit

92. Who is the author of the famous book Yogasutra?

A. Raja Bhoj

B. Patanjali

C. Ved Vyas

D. Baba Ram Dev

Answer :-  B. Patanjali

93. Yoga City Is known as?

A. Rishikesh

B. Haridwar

C. Varanasi

D. Prayagraj

Answer :-  A. Rishikesh

94. Number of total SUTRAS in Patanjali Yogasutra is ?

A. 197

B. 156

C. 195

D. 194

Answer :-  C. 195

95. Knowledge of which elements is found in Yoga is ?

A. Nature

B. Men

C. Vivek foosd

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

96. How many Steps are there in Surya Namaskar?

A. 12

B. 15

C. 14

D. 13

Answer :-  A. 12

97. What is the Number of limbs in hatha Yoga?

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

Answer :-  A. 6

98. Modern Yoga was started in ?

A. 1892

B. 1893

C. 1899

D. 1947

Answer :-  A. 1892

99. What is the literal meaning of word “Yoga” ?

A. Joining together

B. Hindu system of philosophy & meditation

C. Inner peace & tranquility

D. Controlled breathing

Answer :-  A. Joining together

100. Who is believed to be the father of Yoga?

A. Krishnamacharya

B. Gautam Buddha

C. Maharshi PatanjaliAdi

D. Shankaracharya

Answer :-  B. Gautam Buddha

101. In which of the following injuries to the bone, the bone is actually not broken?

A. Simple fracture

B. Hairline fracture

C. Contusion

D. Multiple

Answer :-  C. Contusion

102. Which of the following is an important component for any bone related implant?

A. Titanium

B. Iron

C. Calcium and Phosphorus

D. Calcium hydroxyapatite

Answer :-  D. Calcium hydroxyapatite

103. The term for ‘away from the surface’ is __________?

A. Internal

B. External

C. Superficial

D. Deep

Answer :-  D. Deep

104. Abnormal sleep spindles can indicate _______?

A. Cerebral

B. Meningitis

C. Epilepsy

D. Paralysis

Answer :-  C. Epilepsy

105. The normal BP cuff using instrument is called as____________?

A. Spirometer

B. Sphygmomanomete

C. Stethoscope

D. Oscilloscope

Answer :-  B. Sphygmomanomete

106. Dental X-Ray is also known as __________?

A. Orthopedics

B. Orthopentology

C. Orthology

D. Orthopantomograph

Answer :-  D. Orthopantomograph

107. Which food item has protein, fat and minerals ?

A. Fruits

B. Bread

C. Honey

D. Milk

Answer :-  D. Milk

108. Which food items has roughage ?

A. Eggs

B. Fish

C. Corn

D. Milk

Answer :-  C. Corn

109. Which disease caused by deficiency of iron ?

A. Rickets

B. Anaemia

C. Goiter

D. Scurvy

Answer :-  B. Anaemia

110. Which disease caused by deficiency of iodine ?

A. Nightblindness

B. Goiter

C. Scurvy

D. Rickets

Answer :-  B. Goiter

111. Our body needs for muscle-building ?

A. Carbohydrate

B. Fat

C. Protein

D. Water

Answer :-  C. Protein

112. Which of the following is a component of the coenzyme A?

A. Retinol

B. Pyridoxine

C. Retinoic acid

D. Pantothenic acid

Answer :-  D. Pantothenic acid

113. Calcium is an example of a ?

A. Carbohydrate

B. Fat

C. Protein

D. Minerals

Answer :-  D. Minerals

114. We should include fruits and vegetables in our diet, because ?

A. They are the best source of corbohydrates os

B. They are the best source of proteins

C. They are rich in minerals and vitamins

D. They have high water content muds

Answer :-  C. They are rich in minerals and vitamins

115. The minerals are called by this name ?

A. Energy food

B. Blance diet

C. Food for growth

D. Protective food

Answer :-  D. Protective food

116. Beri Beri is caused due to the deficiency of ?

A. Vitamin ‘C’

B. Vitamin ‘D’

C. Vitamin ‘K’

D. Vitamin ‘B’

Answer :-  D. Vitamin ‘B’

117. What does niacin deficiency cause ?

A. Pellagra

B. Acne

C. Scurvy

D. Boils

Answer :-  A. Pellagra

118. What are the effects of vitamin B6 deficiency ?

A. Beriberi

B. Certain types of eczema

C. Scurvy

D. None of the above

Answer :-  B. Certain types of eczema

119. Which of the following diseases is transmitted by an insect vector ?

A. Malaria



D. None of the

Answer :-  A. Malaria

120. Melanoma is a type of cancer that develops from _______.

A. Melanocytes

B. Granulocytes

C. Adipocyte

D. Epithelial cells

Answer :-  A. Melanocytes

121. Which measure would help contorl the spread to TB ?

A. Spitting in public places must be banned

B. Provision of clean water

C. Sewage treatment

D. Use of insecticides

Answer :-  A. Spitting in public places must be banned

122. Infectious diseases can be prevented by:

A. Medicines

B. Proper food

C. Immunisation

D. Exercise

Answer :-  C. Immunisation

123. How are Infectious Diseases transmitted?

A. Droplet Infection

B. They are inherited

C. By seeing patients

D. Eating an unhealthy diet

Answer :-  A. Droplet Infection

124. Pellagra in jowar eating population is due to ?

A. Niacin in bound form

B. Deficiency of tryptophan

C. Excess of leucine

D. High consumption of milk and milk products

Answer :-  C. Excess of leucine

125. The act of chewing and testing is called?

A. Micturition

B. Mastication

C. Digestion

D. None of the above

Answer :-  B. Mastication

126. BOAA is the toxin responsible for ?

A. Epidemic dropsy

B. Neurolathyrism

C. Endemic ascitis

D. Fluorosis

Answer :-  B. Neurolathyrism

127. Dose of vitamins a prophylasix in 1 year to 6 year children?

A. 100000iu

B. 200000iu

C.  300000iu

D. None of the above

Answer :-  B. 200000iu

128. Heart beat of a healthy and normal person Per minute?

A. 72 times

B. 80 times

C. 108 times

D. 65 times

Answer :-  A. 72 times

129. What is including in the CPR procedure?

A. Rescure breathing only

B. Resure

C. Compression of the chest only

D. Rescure breathing and chest compression

Answer :-  D. Rescure breathing and chest compression

130. What can cause the blood circulation stop?

A. heart attack

B. A bleeding in the smaller veins

C. A head wound

D. All of the above

Answer :-  A. heart attack

131. What do you check for breathing?

A. Listen

B. Look with rising chest

C. Feel with the cheek

D. Look listen an feel

Answer :-  D. Look listen an feel

132. What does ABC stand for

A. Airway,breating,clot

B. Airway,breating,cough

C. Airway,breating,count

D. Airway,breating,circulation

Answer :-  D. Airway,breating,circulation

133. Having a pulse is a sign of medical shock?

A. Slow

B. Rapid

C. Fast

D. Medium

Answer :-  B. Rapid

134. What do you do when someone braek an arm?

A. Scream and run

B. Put a plaster on it

C. Use an antiseptic wipe

D. Put the arm in a sling

Answer :-  D. Put the arm in a sling

135. Which of the following is Pain killer?

A. Ondansatron

B. Rantac

C. Diclofenac sodium

D. All of the above

Answer :-  C. Diclofenac sodium

136. Fear of darkness” is ?

A. Nyctophobia

B. Gamophobia

C. Dipsophobia

D. Gynophobia

Answer :-  A. Nyctophobia

137. Which stream animal is an indicator of poor water quality ?

A. A black fly larva

B. A Caddis fly larva

C. A May fly larva

D. A riffle beetle

Answer :-  C. A May fly larva

138. Small harmful living things are known as ?

A. Bacteria

B. Germs

C. Both(a) and (b)

D. None of these

Answer :-  C. Both(a) and (b)

139. In which year alexander fleming discovered an enzyme ?

A. 1921

B. 1912

C. 1907

D. 1984

Answer :-  A. 1921

140. Diseases can be categorised into _____ Categories ?

A. 8

B. 6

C. None

D. 2

Answer :-  A. 8

141. Acquired diseases develop- after?

A. After birth

B. Before birth

C. both

D. None

Answer :-  A. After birth

142. Severe generalized edema is called as ?

A. Mysedema

B. Pitting edema

C. Anasarca

D. Dependent

Answer :-  C. Anasarca

143. How to clean fresh wound ?

A. Clean periphery to centre

B. Clean Centre to periphery

C. Outer to inner

D. All of these

Answer :-  B. Clean Centre to periphery

144. Which posture is good for thyroid gland?

A. Mayurasana

B. Shakasana

C. Saruvagasan

D. Dhanurasana

Answer :-  C. Saruvagasan

145. Every Yoga teacher must start the practice

A. Pranayama

B. Kriya

C. Asana

D. Silence

Answer :-  C. Asana

146. Who compiled ‘Yoga Sutra’

A. Patanjali

B. Gheranda

C. Svatmarama

D. None of the above

Answer :-  A. Patanjali

147. What should be the Time gap between two meals?

A. 6 Hours

B. 7 Hours

C. 8 Hours

D. 9 Hours

Answer :-  A. 6 Hours

148. Which of the following Yoga from increase concentration ?

A. Raj Yoga

B. Gyan Yoga

C. Bhakti Yoga

D. None of the Above

Answer :-  A. Raj Yoga

149. Neti Kriya is related to ?

A. By Stomach

B. By foot

C. By Ear

D. By Nose

Answer :-  D. By Nose

150. Best time to Sit?

A. Morning

B. Evening

C. A and B

D. None of the Above

Answer :-  C. A and B

151. Red blood cell are produced ?

A. Bone Marrow

B. Liver

C. Heart

D. Pitutary Gland

Answer :-  A. Bone Marrow

152. The substance produced by a cell in viral infection that can protect other cells from further infection is ?

A. Serotonin

B. Colostrum

C. Interferon

D. Melatonin

Answer :-  C. Interferon

153. Noruishment of nerve cells is provided By ?

A. Vitamin B12

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin ‘B1’

D. Vitamin D

Answer :-  C. Vitamin ‘B1’

154. White blood cells are also called ?

A. Paracytes

B. Leukocytes

C. Monocytes

D. None of the Above

Answer :-  B. Leukocytes

155. Which prevents entry of food in the respiratory tract ?

A. Green stick

B. trachea

C. vocal apparatus

D. Epiglottis

Answer :-  D. Epiglottis

156. A person with sickle cell anemia is ?

A. More prone to malaria

B. More prone to typhoid

C. Less prone to malaria

D. Less prone to typhoid

Answer :-  C. Less prone to malaria

157. The germs attack your teeth and form small holes known as?

A. Spots

B. Marks

C. Cavities

D. All of these

Answer :-  C. Cavities

158. When was swachh bharat abhiyan launched ?

A. Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birthday

B. Mahatma Gandhi’s 100th Birthday

C. Subhash Chandra Bose’s 100th Birthday

D. Subhash Chandra Bose’s 125th Birthday

Answer :-  A. Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birthday

159. Which food item has carbohydrates and fats ?

A. Bread and butters

B. Rice and Pulses

C. Egg and fish

D. all of these

Answer :-  A. Bread and butters

160. The Vaccine given to new born boby is ?





Answer :-  B. BCG

161. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome Could develop due to ?

A. Defective liver

B. Defective thymus


D. Weak immune system

Answer :-  C. HIV

162. Which of the following are the primary causes of water pollution?

A. A Plants

B. Animals

C. Human activities

D. None of the above

Answer :-  C. Human activities

163. In epilepsy, seizure is ?

A. Warming cry

B. Fit of convulsions

C. Loss of consciousness

D. All the above

Answer :-  C. Loss of consciousness

164. Wihch one is not involved in mental illness ?

A. Gout

B. Epilepsy

C. Neurosis

D. Psychosis

Answer :-  A. Gout

165. Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed

A. infancy

B. childhood

C. early adulthood

D. old age

Answer :-  C. early adulthood

166. The maximum effort mode to lift a weight is called ?

A. Explosive strength

B. Endurance

C. Speed

D. Maximum strength

Answer :-  C. Speed

167. The maximum effort mode to lift a weight is called ?

A. Explosive strength

B. Endurance

C. Speed

D. Maximum strength

Answer :-  D. Maximum strength

168. Who is known as the Father of Medicine?

A. Aristotle

B. Hippocrates

C. Antoine Lavoisier

D. Antoni Wan Leeuwenhoek

Answer :-  B. Hippocrates

169. Currently the major cause of illness is

A. Behavior or lifestyle

B. Genetic or family background

C. Care taken during childhood

D. Work environments

Answer :-  A. Behavior or lifestyle

170. ECT is ?

A. Electroconvulsive therapy

B. Electrochemicl treatment

C. Electrochemical therapy

D. Epileptic core treatment

Answer :-  A. Electroconvulsive therapy

171. Which of the following is not an infectious disease?

A. Ophthalmia

B. Rabies

C. Diabetes mellitus

D. Cerebro spinal fever

Answer :-  C. Diabetes mellitus

172. Which of the following disease is not caused by bacteria ?

A. Typhoid

B. Tuberculosis

C. Diabetes mellitus

D. None of the above

Answer :-  C. Diabetes mellitus

173. Which of the following disease is caused due to animal bite ?

A. Malaria

B. Tetanus

C. Rabies

D. Tuberculosis

Answer :-  C. Rabies

174. A Sexually transmitted bacterial disease is ?

A. Syphilis


C. Cholera

D. Hepatitis

Answer :-  A. Syphilis

175. Which of these is not a viral disease ?

A. Rabies

B. Measles

C. Filariasis

D. Dengue

Answer :-  C. Filariasis

176. Plague is caused by the bacterium _______.

A. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

B. Yersinia pestis

C. Yersinia enterocolitica

D. None of the above

Answer :-  B. Yersinia pestis

177. What are the three things you need for a session of Bikram yoga?

A. Towel/ Water

B. Tea/ Plants

C. Incense/ Coffee

D. Mat/ Book/

Answer :-  A. Towel/ Water

178. In which of the following situations First Aid can be given ?

A. Bleeding

B. Bone fracture

C. Suffocation

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

179. Cylinders with black and white shoulders contain?

A. fly

B. Nitrous oxide

C. Oxygen

D. Carbondioxide

Answer :-  B. Nitrous oxide

180. Best method to treat diarrhoea in a child is?

A. fluids

B. Ors

C. Antibiotics

D. Bowel binder

Answer :-  B. Ors

181. Which is the most common global disease ?

A. Tooth loss

B. Receding gums

C. Tuberculosis

D. Tooth decay

Answer :-  D. Tooth decay

182. Water soluble vitamins are ?

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin ‘E’

C. Vitamin B Complex

D. Vitamin D

Answer :-  C. Vitamin B Complex

183. Which of the following are examples of macro minerals?

A. Sodium

B. Calcium

C. Chloride

D. All of the above

Answer :-  D. All of the above

184. Podiatric medicine related to ?

A. Care of hand

B. Care of skin

C. care of feet

D. Care of hair

Answer :-  C. care of feet

185. When is the eye donation fortnight observed ?

A. 15 July to 28 July

B. 25 August to 8 September

C. 5 June to 18 June

D. 1 Sep to 13 Sep

Answer :-  B. 25 August to 8 September

186. Which of the following is not dimension of health ?

A. Nutritional

B. Physical

C. Social

D. Mental

Answer :-  A. Nutritional

187. The normal temperature of human body is ?

A. 98.4F

B. 96.5F

C. 99.6F

D. 98.6F

Answer :-  D. 98.6F

188. The tobacco chewing causes ?

A. Aneamia

B. Periodontitis

C. Tuberculosis

D. Pneumonia

Answer :-  B. Periodontitis

189. Which one of the following is good for your eyes?

A. Reading in dim light

B. Washing eyes regularly

C. Rubbing the eyes with hands

D. Watching TV continuously for too long

Answer :-  B. Washing eyes regularly

190. Main cause of blindness in the world

A. Refraction

B. Cataract

C. Glaucoma

D. Conjunctivitis

Answer :-  B. Cataract

191. Stuttering is a disability associated with ?

A. Hearing

B. Vision

C. Speech

D. Movement

Answer :-  C. Speech

192. Which is the tank on the back of a toilet ?

A. Soap tank

B. Septic tank

C. Flush tank

D. None

Answer :-  C. Flush tank

193. Which one among the following is the sweetest natural sugar?

A. Lactose

B. Sucrose

C. Glucose

D. Fructose

Answer :-  D. Fructose

194. Which of the following compounds cannot remove grease from the clothes?

A. ldrsa \ Gasoline

B. Potassium palmitate

C. Soap

D. Potassium pentanoate

Answer :-  B. Potassium palmitate

195. First aid is given to a person ?

A. To reduce pain

B. For speedy recvery

C. To save lives

D. None of these

Answer :-  C. To save lives

196. What is first aid ?

A. Special treatment given by a doctor

B. Treatment given for drowing

C. Medicine given to the patient before the arrival of the doctor

D. Scorpion bite treatment

Answer :-  C. Medicine given to the patient before the arrival of the doctor

197. Into how many parts were the parts of the mind divided?

A. 3

B. 2

C. 4

D. 5

Answer :-  A. 3

198. How many part are there in Raja Yoga ?

A. 5

B. 8

C. 6

D. 7

Answer :-  B. 8

199. Which of the following Yoga form increase concentration ?

A. Raj Yoga

B. Gyan Yoga

C. Bhakti Yoga

D. None of the Above

Answer :-  A. Raj Yoga

200. That Asana which can be done even after having food?

A. Halasana

B. Shrishasana

C. Vajrasana

D. A and B

Answer :-  C. Vajrasana

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