Environment Awareness and Conservation – NCC A, B, C Certificate Exam Questions and Answers Notes in English 2022-2023

1. What do you understand by pollution and what are the types of pollution ? ( 10 )

Answer :-

Pollution :- Pollution refers to the contamination of the atmosphere ( air, water, soil etc. ) by hazardous materials.

Types of Pollution –

(i) water pollution

(ii) air pollution

(iii) soil pollution

(iv) Noise pollution

2. What is Green House Effect ? ( 3 )

Answer :-

(i) It is a natural process

(ii) helps the temperature present in the atmosphere of the planet or satellite to become relatively high.

(iii) If there was no greenhouse effect then there would be no life on earth.

(iv) To save its effect, it is necessary to plant trees in maximum quantity.

3. What do you understand by Rain Water Harvesting ? ( 5 )

Answer :- Rainwater harvesting is the process of storing rainwater through a particular medium is called accumulation. The scarcity of drinking water is becoming a problem all over the world.

The reason for this is also the continuous going down of the water level of the earth. rain for it to be collected and recharged by water that enters the ocean. It is necessary so that the ground water resources can be enriched.

4. Write True or False :- ( 5 )

(a) Chemicals released by industries are solid waste ?

– ( Correct )

(b) Is sunlight a renewable resource ?

– ( Correct )

(c) Water is not a renewable resource ?

– ( Wrong )

(d) Biological resources are obtained from the biosphere ?

– ( Correct )

(e) Forests and animals are examples of biological resources ?

– ( Correct )

5. What is called pollution ? ( 5 )

Answer :- The changes that occur in the physico-chemical and biological properties of air, water and soil, which have an adverse effect on human life, its living and other living beings, it is called pollution.

6. What is the role of NCC in conservation of natural resources ? (5)

Answer :-

(i) By running environmental awareness campaigns

(ii) By undertaking tree plantation drive

(iii) By conserving water and proper disposal of waste

(iv) Being a guiding force for your neighbors, friends and family members

(v) By making people aware of this serious problem

7. What is the responsibility of NCC cadets towards the environment ? ( 5 )

Answer :-

(a) Plantation

(b) guiding and motivating people

(c) water conservation

(d) waste disposal

(e) Educating people

8. What is the need of rain water harvesting ? ( 5 )

Answer :-

(i) It recharges the sub soil and ground water

(ii) Raising the water level

(iii) It helps in making pollution free drinking water in large quantity

(iv) Rain water can be stored in huge tanks and ponds for later use

(v) It has reduced dependence on food

9. What are the benefits of forests ? ( 5 )

Answer :- Forests have the following benefits:-

(i) Wood, grass are obtained from the forest

(ii) forests provide pure oxygen

(iii) Fruits and flowers are obtained from forests

(iv) Forests provide shelter to animals and birds

(v) Forests provide livelihood to innumerable human beings

(vi) Pollution from the forest remains under control

10. Write True or False :- ( 5 )

(i) Bandipur Wild Life Sanctuary is located in the state of Tamil Nadu ?

Answer :- Wrong

(ii) Dabhol power project is in the state of Assam ?

Answer :- Wrong

(iii) Ozone hole causes global warming ?

Answer :- Correct

(iv) Almaty Dam is located in UP ?

Answer :- Wrong

(v) Kiran Bedi is a famous environmentalist ?

Answer :- Correct

11. What is Global Warming ? ( 5 )

Answer – Global warming is the result of increase in temperature in the surface of the earth, so due to excessive temperature, heat is felt more, due to which skin and other physical and mental diseases arise. Due to the increase in temperature, the desert expands due to which the animals living there also die.

12. What are the types of natural resources ? ( 5 )

Answer :- There are different types –

(i) Air           (ii) Water

(iii) Soil       (iv) Rivers

(v) Mineral  (vi) Well

(vii) Jungle

(viii) fossil fuels

13. What is the effect of environmental degradation ? (3)

Answer :-

(i) Impact on Agriculture

(ii) Effect on Green House

(iii) extinction of plants

(iv) Exacerbation of skin diseases

(v) Increase in disasters

(vi) lack of oxygen

(vii) Effects on health of human beings and animals

(viii) water contamination of rivers

14. How do we do rainwater harvesting and what are its benefits ? ( 5 )

Answer :- Method of storing –

(i) By converting buried land into a pond to store rain water

(ii) After that a dam is made from three sides

(iii) The pond is kept open from one side

Advantages –

(i) Filter the collected water and use it for drinking

(ii) Used for bathing animals and irrigating fields

15. What do you understand by solar energy ? State three advantages of solar energy :- (5)

Answer :- Solar energy is a renewable energy, which is released by the sun in the form of electromagnetic waves and can be collected directly from sunlight.

Benefits of solar energy –

(i) The advantages of solar energy are available in abundance and everywhere.

(ii) It can be stored in various forms for future use.

(iii) There can never be any accident due to its use.

16. What are the direct and indirect effects of pollution on forests ? ( 5 )

Answer :-

(a) Soil erosion reduces forest cover

(b) Destruction of forests  ( due to acid rain )

(c) disturbances in the balance of flora and fauna ( poor ecological balance )

(d) Decrease in forest products

(e) Deforestation

17. What is the main reason for the extinction of some plant and animal species ? (4)

Answer :-

(i) Climate change

(ii) over-exploitation

(iii) Soil erosion

(iv) man made disaster

(v) poaching for personal gain

(vi) Continuous increase in population

(vii) unnecessary pollution

18. Write the types of pollution ? ( 5 )

Answer :- It is of four types :-

(i) water pollution

(ii) air pollution

(iii) noise pollution

(iv) Soil pollution

19. What is E-Waste ? ( 5 )

Answer – E-Waste or Electronic Waste is called nothing but those electrical goods, which we dump or discard after using them, as our population is increasing, so are our needs due to which E-Waste The quantity is also increasing. This waste also contains harmful substances like lead, mercury, cadmium. Actually, the disposal of e-waste is not an easy task, because it contains plastic and many types of metals and other substances. By burning this waste in the fire, necessary metals etc. are extracted from it. Burning it emits poisonous smoke which is quite fatal.

20. What are the methods of energy conservation ? ( 5 )

Answer :-

(i) Switch off the bulb when not in use

(ii) The dust accumulated on tube lights, bulbs and other equipment should be regularly removed clean from

(iii) Always use ISI stamped power tools and equipment

(iv) Place your tube lights and bulbs in such a place where light can come no problem

(v) Use LED bulb to save energy

21. Explain Green House Effect ? ( 5 )

Answer :- It is the effect arising due to increase in the amount of carbon dioxide, increase in global temperature and depletion of ozone layer due to use of chlorofluorocarbons. It is the biggest threat to the existence of humans, flora and fauna around the world.

22. What do you know about the change in weather due to pollution ? ( 5 )

Answer :- Due to air pollution and changing weather, breathlessness, asthma, The number of allergic patients increases. Thus, from the Department of Health Patients are advised to be more careful. increasing pollution and Change of season gives birth to many types of people. life is busy looks like .

23. What measures can be taken to control pollution ? ( 5 )

Answer :-

(i) reduce the number of trips you take in your car or car pool

(ii) reduce or eliminate fire places and use wood stoves

(iii) Do not burn garbage and leaves

(iv) Avoid using gas powered and garden tools

(v) use a bicycle for short distances

(vi) Plant more and more trees

24. What as NCC cadet to improve ecology in your village ?  Will you follow the method ? ( 5 )

Answer :-

(i) Use of irrigation technology

(ii) Sanitation

(iii) Land Planning

(iv) Road construction

(v) Waste Planning

(vi) Energy Planning

25. What is ecology ? ( 5 )

Answer :- Ecology is a branch of biology in which organisms study the interactions of communities with their environment. … Ecologists explore how organisms interact with each other and the environment, and they explore the complex structure of life on Earth.

26. Write the measures to control water pollution ?

Answer :-

(i) Make a lattice around the well and cast a roof

(ii) Do not put industrial waste and filth in canals, ponds, rivers

(iii) Dispose of immersion and waste at proper place

(iv) Do not waste a single drop of water

(v) Comply with all laws related to water pollution

27. Write the main sources of water ?

Answer :-

(i) Pond           (ii) River

(iii) Lake         (iv) Nala

(v) Reservoir   (vi) Wells etc.

28. Write the causes of land pollution ?

Answer :-

(i) House drains

(ii) Industrial and mine waste

(iii) Domestic waste, polythene, plastic, garbage

(iv) Agricultural waste

(v) Pesticides DDT, Industrial Chemicals

(vi) dust particles of the atmosphere

29. Write the measures to control land pollution ?

Answer :-

(i) Use organic manure instead of chemical, paper instead of plastic, cotton cloth or jute instead of polyester etc.

(ii) Do not use plastic bags, bottles etc and do not throw them on the way

(iii) Plant more and more trees, plant greenery

(iv) Comply with all laws related to land pollution

30. Write the causes of water pollution ?

Answer :-

1. Domestic effluent

2. Sewage

3. Industrial effluents

4. Agricultural effluents

5. Thermal or thermal pollution

6. Insecticides

7. Some amount of water is also polluted due to natural causes

31. Write the causes of air pollution ?

Answer :-

(i) Smoke and toxic gases from vehicles, domestic fuels and factories

(ii) fine particles of mercury, zinc, lead, arsenic metals emitted by industry

(iii) Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and flying pollen grains of weeds

32. Write the measures to control air pollution ?

Answer :-

(i) Plant trees, plant Neem and Tulsi plants in the house

(ii) limit the smoke of houses, industries and vehicles

(iii) Do not use firecrackers and hazardous chemicals

(iv) Put the garbage at the designated place not to burn

(v) Comply with all laws related to air pollution

33. Write the causes of noise pollution ?

Answer :-

(i) Sound produced by machines in industrial area

(ii) increasing noise by means of transport and their horns

(iii) loudspeakers and band-bars, loud music playing in marriage

(iv) sound produced by fireworks and explosives

34. Write measures to control noise pollution ?


(i) Keep the sound of TV, music resources low in the house

(ii) Do not blow the horn of your vehicle unnecessarily

(iii) Do not use loudspeakers

(iv) Do not burst firecrackers in the wedding ceremony.

(v) Comply with all laws related to noise pollution control

35. Write short note on the following :- (15)

Answer :-

(a) Environment :- All living beings including plants, animals, human race and their related physical complex is called environment.

There are two types of environment :-

(i) physical environment

(ii) Biological Environment

(b) Ozone layer :- The ozone layer is a very thin cover in the stratosphere region of the atmosphere at an altitude of 20-30 km from the earth’s surface. It is about 10 PPM in terms of the volume of the atmosphere. This ozone layer is the protector of the environment. . blocks the sun’s ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth

(c) Green house effect :-

(i) It is a natural process

(ii) helps the temperature present in the atmosphere of the planet or satellite to become relatively high.

(iii) If there was no greenhouse effect then there would be no life on earth.

(iv) To save its effect, it is necessary to plant trees in maximum quantity.

(d) Waste Management :- Resource is the collection of materials used in recycling/garbage work. The term refers to a material that is made from human activities and is made so that its impact on humans on its healthy environment or aesthetics is minimal. It is also used to extract resources:- solid, liquid, gas, radioactive material. 

(e) Energy Conservation :- To do any work, following such a method or process that it takes less energy to complete that work, it is called conservation of energy.

36. What is Renewal and Non-Renewal Resource ? Explain with two examples :- (10)

 Answer :-

Renewal Resources :– Resources that can be renewed or regenerated by physicochemical or mechanical processes.

Example :- and hydroelectricity hail mass geothermal and wind power

Non Renewable Resources :– These are resources that are formed over a very long geological time and which do not naturally occur in the environment. These resources take millions of years to form.

Example :- (i) Petrol (ii) Diesel (iii) Firewood (iv) Coal

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