NCC B Certificate exam 2022-2023 Model Paper with Question and Answer in English-2

1. Action is taken for walking near line: –

2. Explain various methods of firing : –
3. What is the contribution of youth in our nation building ?

4. Write ways to improve personality : –

5. What is the role of NCC in character Development ?

NCC C Certificate Exam Model Paper Question Answer in English

1. What are the two different parts of a command word ?

2. Write the names of any two items used in cleaning the rifle ?

3. What programs and competitions are organized during the National Integration Camp ?

4. Why is national integration important for the progress of any country ?

5. Name any five gallantry awards given in the Indian Army ?

6. What can the younger generation contribute in national building ?

7. Write any five elements which break the national unity ?

NCC B, C Certificate Exam Model Paper Questions Answers in English

 1. What is the difference between rank and file ?

2. What are the features of Word of Command ?

3. What are the 4 basic values ​​of good fire ?

4. What is the meaning of group in firing, write in detail ?

5. Write the correct sequence of firing.

NCC C Certificate Exam 2022-2023 Model Paper with Question and Answer in English-1

1. Write the method of developing leadership qualities :-

2. Into how many parts is the fire party divided ?

3. What is fire and write the names of fire fighting equipments ?

4. As an NCC cadet, how will you assist in the operation against terrorism ?

5. How do you do personal hygiene in NCC camps? Will you make sure ?

6. Write the names of the items used for organizing Tech :-

NCC B Certificate Exam 2022-2023 Model Paper with Questions and Answers in English-3

1. Write 5 principles of time management :-

2. Write 5 qualities of an ideal citizen :-

 3. Yellow color on the map is used to show agricultural land ?

4. The vertical line in the map is called _______ ?

5. Map shows the position of itself and _______ on the ground ?

6. Service protractor is ______ inch long and _______ inch wide ?

NCC C Certificate Exam 2022-2023 Model Paper with Question and Answer in English-3

1. Fill in the blank :-
(i) The number of steps in 1 minute in a fast pace is ………. ?
(ii) The number of cadets for the honor of the President is …………. ?
(iii) The President is empowered to …………. and the Chief Minister is …………. ?
(iv) While marching, the word ‘turn back’ is commanded on the …………. foot ?
(v) Drill started from …………. year ?

2. What are the advantages of drill ?