Communication – NCC A, B, C Certificate Exam Questions and Answers Notes in English
1. What is communication ? Ans :- Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between people through speech, writing and sign system or …
1. What is communication ? Ans :- Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between people through speech, writing and sign system or …
Q. 1) प्रभावी संचार के सिद्धांत क्या है ?
Q. 2) संचार के दो प्रकार हैं, नाम बताएं ?
Q. 3) संचार प्रक्रिया के मुख्य तत्व है ?
Q. 4) भारतीय सेना में नवीनतम संचार के माध्यम तरीके के बारे में लिखें ?
Q. 5) युद्ध क्षेत्र में संचार के महत्व क्या है ?