1. What social service can NCC cadets do ? ( 10 )
Answer –
(i) Cleanliness drive
(ii) Yoga Day
(iii) Plantation
(iv) Anti Tobacco Campaign
(v) Road Safety
(vi) Disaster Management
(vii) Blood Donation
(viii) Adult Education / Adult Literacy
(ix) Awareness Program
(x) Assistance to Civil Administration
(xi) Anti-dowry campaign
(xii) Anti-drug campaign
(xiii) Anti-Leprosy Campaign
(xiv) Child care
(xv) Polio eradication
(xvi) Family Planning Campaign
(xvii) Disaster Management
(xviii) Service to the elderly and women
2. What are the benefits of plantation :- (10)
Answer :- The benefits of tree plantation are –
(i) Useful in pollution control
(ii) preventing soil erosion
(iii) Useful in flood control
(iv) environmental balance
(v) Fruit availability
(vi) Stopping the spread of desert
(vii) Availability of wood
(viii) Useful in wild animal control
(ix) Useful in monsoon rains
(x) Providing habitat to wild animals
3. Fill in the blank :-
(i) At least ……….. calories food is required for a healthy person ?
Answer :- 3000 calories
(ii) According to the Government of India, that family is below the poverty line, whose annual income in the village is less than Rs. ……….. ?
Answer :- 19884
(iii) Antibody ………… is found in blood group ‘O’ ?
Answer :- AB
(iv) The cause of HIV is ……….. ?
Answer :- Virus
(v) Leprosy are of ……….. types ?
Answer – 2
4. What is the main cause of AIDS ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) unprotected sex
(ii) By taking HIV infected blood
(iii) Taking HIV infected needles
(iv) producing an infant of an HIV-infected mother
(v) shaving with HIV infected blade
(vi) Due to lack of correct information about HIV infection
5. What are the needs of weaker sections of the societ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) Employment
(ii) Postic food
(iii) Entertainment
(iv) Social Change
(v) First Aid
(vi) Sanitation
6. What are the benefits of donating blood ? (5)
Answer :-
(i) Blood circulates in the body
(ii) comfortably saves one’s life
(iii) There is no substitute for blood
(iv) It keeps obesity under control
(v) Blood donation is great donation
(vi) It brings new energy to the body
(vii) It reduces the risk of heart attack
(viii) Any immediate blood donation is made available for 1 year after blood donation, if required
(ix) It reduces the risk of cancer
(x) By donating blood, the amount of iron in the body is balanced.
(xi) Weight is controlled by donating blood
(xii) Improving heart health
(xiii) Blood of any class is easily available from the blood bank
7. Name any five national level social problems ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) Corruption (ii) Unemployment
(iii) Education (iv) Poverty
(v) Racism (vi) Rising population
(vii) Gender Distinction
(viii) Diseases and Malnutrition
(ix) Dirty Politics / Poor Politics
8. Write True or False :- ( 5 )
(i) Who should not have food with a person suffering from AIDS ?
Answer :- Wrong
(ii) Donating blood creates imbalance in the body ?
Answer :- Wrong
(iii) By donating blood the human body becomes weak ?
Answer :- Wrong
(iv) AIDS Day is celebrated every year on 1st December ?
Answer :- Correct
(v) Touching a cancer patient causes cancer ?
Answer :- Wrong
9. Name any five social evils :- ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) Female feticide
(ii) Dowry System
(iii) Child abuse and trafficking
(iv) Domestic Violence
(v) Drug abuse and trafficking
(vi) Child marriage
(vii) gender discrimination
(vii) Casteism
10. Name any five schemes by the government to eliminate social problems ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(b) Gramin Sadak Yojana
(c) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
(d) Safayi Abhiyan
(e) Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojana
11. Write any two factors affecting family planning ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) Child marriage
(ii) Not making strict laws against those who produce more children
12. Write any two examples of NGO ? ( 4 )
Answer :-
(i) International Red Cross
(ii) Child Relief and Youth
(iii) Rural Development Trust
(iv) Help Age India
(v) Pratham Education Foundation
13. What do you understand by dowry system and how do cadets help in dowry prevention ? ( 5 M )
Answer :- Dowry means the property which is given by the bride’s family to the groom at the time of marriage.
(a) Dowry system is a stigma in the society
(b) Suicide is its side effect of family conflict
(c) Mismatched marriages and physical and mental harassment
(d) oppose the dowry system
(e) Make those who take dowry aware of its ill-effects
(f) discourage dowry takers and givers
14. Write the full form of the following :- ( 6 )
(a) WHO – World Health Organization
(b) INGO – International Non Governmental Organization
(c) BINGO – Business-friendly International Non-Governmental Organization
(d) NCTC – National Counter Terrorism Center
15. Write the side effects of drug abuse :- ( 5 M )
Answer :-
(a) effect nervous system
(b) increase in blood pressure
(c) overall negative impact on health
(d) causes depression
(e) weakness of the body
(f) increase in heart rate
(g) affects the brain and behavior
(h) causes legal action
16. What is the role of NCC cadets in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ? ( 10 )
Answer :-
(i) Make people aware by doing cleanliness in all cities and villages
(ii) Provision of clean drinking water
(iii) Use proper toilets for defecation
(iv) Tell people to dispose of garbage properly
(v) By organizing an organized group of youth and taking out an awareness rally
(vi) By setting an example while explaining himself
(viii) Will neither spread dirt nor allow anyone to spread it by taking oath
(ix) Will make people aware through street plays
(x) Will plant trees and make people aware to plant more and more trees
(xi) By telling the people the harm caused by the dirt
17. What is the contribution of Yuva Shakti for the betterment of the society and in which social services NCC cadets participate ? ( 5 M )
Answer :-
(a) Help in community development planning
(b) in adult education
(c) leprosy prevention
(d) Plantation
(e) donating blood
(f) Awareness in the society
(g) Traffic Control
18. Select the correct answer :- ( 6 )
(i) Which of these is social service ?
(a) Blood donation (b) Begging donation
(c) study (d) none
Answer – (a) Blood Donation
(ii) What is the minimum age for donating blood ?
(a) 18 years (b) 16 years
(c) 14 years (d) 21 years
Answer – (a) 18 years
(iii) What is the minimum age for marriage of a girl child ?
(a) 18 years (b) 21 years
(c) 14 years (d) 16 years
Answer :- (b) 21 years
(iv) What is the minimum age for voting ?
(a) 15 years (b) 21 years
(c) 18 years (d) 14 years
Answer :- (c) 18 years
(v) The broad form of HIV is ………….. ?
Answer :- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(vi) When was NREGA renamed as MNREGA ?
(a) 2006 (b) 2010
(c) 2008 (d) 2009
Answer :- (d) In 2009
19. Mention the five main schemes of rural development run by the Government of India ? ( 5 M )
Answer :-
(b) Gramin Sadak Yojana
(c) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
(d) Safayi Abhiyan
(e) Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojana
20. What is the function of the NGO in profit for the society ? ( 10 )
Answer :- Contribution to society –
(a) donating blood
(b) Adult Literacy
(c) Anti-dowry campaign
(d) Anti-drug campaign
(e) Anti-Leprosy Campaign
(f) Plantation
(g) Child care
(h) Polio eradication
21. What are the methods of communal development ? ( 5 M )
Answer :-
(a) Participation of action in public welfare works
(b) Educating people in health and hygiene
(c) for the awareness of the nation
22. What are the types of NGOs ? (8)
Answer: – It is of four types –
(i) INGO (ii) BINGO
(iii) RINGO (iv) ENGO
23. What do you understand by Shramdaan ? ( 5 M )
Answer :-
Shramdaan is the service that a person performs through his labor for the good of the society. Every human should do some work for his society.
Some examples for Shramdaan are as follows –
(a) Cleaning the poly bags from social place like street, park, seaside etc.
(b) Cleaning up places of social use like wells, ponds etc.
(c) to fix the drainage system of dirty water
(d) Maintenance of streets
24. What social services can NCC cadets provide for cleanliness and sanitation in their village or city ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) Self-cleaning by setting an example
(ii) By organizing an organized group of youth and taking out an awareness rally
(iii) By planting trees
(iv) Adult Education
(v) Proper disposal of household waste
(vi) By taking out an awareness rally against social evils
( Drug free campaign, dowry prevention, child marriage, feticide etc. )
25. As an NCC cadet, how will you assist in the operation against terrorism ? (5)
Answer :-
(i) Identifying the elements promoting terrorism and telling the administration
(ii) By taking out an awareness rally against terrorism
(iii) To make people aware of the damage caused by terrorism and their duty
(iv) To make people aware of their fundamental rights
(v) advising people not to be misled
(vi) To inform people about the benefits of government schemes
(vii) To make people aware of education
(i) NGOs – Non-Governmental Organization
(ii) AIDS – Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
(iii) HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(iv) Age of Blood Donation is from ……….. years to ……….. years ?
Answer :- 18 to 60 years
(v) Sevagram Yojana was started by ……….. ?
Answer :- Mahatma Gandhi
27. What is the effect of increasing population on the country and society ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) depletion of natural resources
(ii) Increase in environmental pollution
(iii) Increase in poverty
(iv) Compulsion to migrate
(v) Gap between rich and poor
(vi) Unemployment
(vii) Food problem
(viii) Malnutrition
(ix) Per Capita Income
(x) Shortage of houses
(xi) Inflation
(xii) hindrance to agricultural development
(xiii) Decrease in saving and capital
28. What are the safety measures during road travel ? (5)
Answer :-
(i) Use zebra crossing
(ii) Use sub-way, which remains from under the road
(iii) Use overhead bridges
(iv) Take care of traffic signals
(v) Do not cross the road running
29. What are the safety measures during rail travel ? (5)
Answer :-
(i) Must take a ticket during the train journey
(ii) Reach the station on time
(iii) Board only when the train stops completely
(iv) Do not try to land in the middle
(v) No part of the body should come out through the window or door of the train
(vi) Give seats to women, children, old people, disabled etc.
(vii) Be fully alert during the journey.
30. What do you understand by NGO ? What is their contribution to the society ? ( 5 M )
Answer :- NGOs
(a) Non Governmental Organization
(b) It is a non-profit group
(c) It is mainly non-commercial
(d) NGOs first survey various problems and collect information and take steps to solve the social problem.
Contribution to society –
(a) donating blood
(b) Adult Literacy
(c) Anti-dowry campaign
(d) Anti-drug campaign
(e) Anti-Leprosy Campaign
(f) Plantation
(g) Child care
(h) Polio eradication
(i) Family Planning Campaign
31. Write True and False :-
(i) To generate interest in selfless creative work in the social service cadet ?
Answer :- Correct
(ii) Social service gives rise to feelings of charity, sacrifice, generosity and kindness in the heart of the cadet ?
Answer :- Correct
(iii) Under social service, the cadet does relief work at the time of natural calamity ?
Answer :- Correct
(iv) Social boycott of drug addicts will not reduce drug addiction ?
Answer :- Wrong
(v) Poverty is not the reason for the growth of population of India ?
Answer :- Wrong
32. What are the problems of weaker section? What is their solution ? ( 10 )
Answer –
The problem of backward class is as follows –
(i) The main problem of backward classes is employment
(ii) Working conditions
(iii) low income
(iv) Low standard of living
(v) Lack of subsidiary occupations
(vi) Indebtedness
(vii) Lack of organization
(viii) miserable social condition
(ix) Green Revolution
Following are the steps to solve the problem of backward class –
(i) to improve the working conditions
(ii) their working hours should be fixed
(iii) fix the minimum wages for them
(iv) Arrangement of proper accommodation should be made for them.
(v) To create a sense of organization in them
(vi) New employment opportunities should be made available to them.
(vii) their income should be increased
(viii) Proper arrangements should be made for their education and training.
(ix) Proper arrangements should be made for social security and services like hospital, drinking water, consumption items and education etc.
33. What is family planning ? What are the methods of family planning ? ( 10 )
Answer – Family planning means “controlling the family”, family planning does not mean only preventing the birth of children,
Family planning is a voluntary and responsible decision, individually or jointly, to determine the size of the desired family and the time of birth of children, etc.
(i) Wide publicity should be given to the family planning program
(ii) Adopting family planning material to keep the age difference of children
(iii) Child marriage and polygamy should be banned
(iv) Parents giving birth to more children should be discouraged
34. What are the objectives of social service ? ( 5 )
Answer :- The aim of social service is to do maximum good for individuals, groups and communities. … Therefore, the social worker directs the attitudes of the individual and the interactions of the members of the group and the community, the behavior and the determination of their goals, in such a way that along with their interest, the benefit of their larger society is also to be done.
35. Write the full form of the following :- (10)
(a) AIDS – Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
(b) PMGSY – Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(c) NGO – Non Governmental Organization
(d) NREGA – National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(e) IAY – Indira Aawas Yojna
36. Write the types of activities of social service ? ( 5 M )
Answer :-
(i) Cleanliness drive
(ii) Yoga Day
(iii) Plantation
(iv) Anti Tobacco Campaign
(v) Road Safety
(vi) Disaster Management
(vii) Blood Donation
(viii) Adult Education
(ix) Awareness Program
(x) Assistance to Civil Administration
( against evils, drug de-addiction, child marriage, dowry system etc. )
37. What do you understand by blood donation? Write its need and benefits ? ( 10 )
Answer :- Blood donation occurs when a healthy person voluntarily donates blood and that blood is used.
Blood donation is needed for those people who are in need of blood.
Benefits of donating blood –
(i) It is a great donation
(ii) By donating blood we can save the life of another human being
(iii) It brings new energy to the body
(iv) It keeps obesity under control
(v) It reduces the risk of cancer
(vi) By donating blood, the amount of iron in the body remains balanced.
(vii) Weight is controlled by donating blood
38. Write Comment :- ( 10 )
(a) Due to population growth –
(i) Continuous increase in birth rate
(ii) Decrease in mortality
(iii) Child marriage
(iv) Superstition
(v) Illiteracy and ignorance
(vi) Poverty
(vii) Because of life expectancy
(viii) Not making strict laws
(ix) Due to migration
(x) Because of government policies
(b) Dowry Prevention –
(i) Educate your daughters
(ii) encourage them to make good career
(iii) Teach them to be independent and responsible
(iv) Treat equality
(v) Oppose the dowry system
(vi) Make those who take dowry aware of its ill-effects
(vii) discourage dowry takers and givers
39. Write an essay on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ? ( 10 )
Swachh Bharat :- The goal of this campaign started on October 2, 2014, Gandhiji. By the 150th birth anniversary of 2019, India had to make a clean India of open defecation. Its first goal is to free India from the trend. government under. Build toilets in village-village and also appealed to the people to Use these toilets.
(i) Make people aware by doing cleanliness in all cities and villages
(ii) Provision of clean drinking water
(iii) Use proper toilets for defecation
(iv) Tell people to dispose of garbage properly
(v) By organizing an organized group of youth and taking out an awareness rally
(vi) By setting an example while explaining himself
(viii) Will neither spread dirt nor allow anyone to spread it by taking oath
(ix) Will make people aware through street plays
40. How can NCC help the administration in times of disaster ? ( 5 )
Answer –
(i) early warning
(ii) Arrangement of shelter during disaster
(iii) Transporting the victim to a safe place
(iv) giving first aid
(v) boosting morale
(vi) Providing security and patrol
(vii) Providing telephone facility
(viii) Food and medicine distribution
41. What are the evils prevalent in our society ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) Female feticide
(ii) Dowry System
(iii) Child abuse and trafficking
(iv) Domestic Violence
(v) Drug abuse and trafficking
(vi) Child marriage
(vii) gender discrimination
(viii) Racism
42. Give five reasons for the dowry system and five measures to prevent it ? ( 10 )
Answer :- Five reasons for dowry system –
(i) Lack of education
(ii) notion of social status
(iii) Inflation
(iv) Greed
(v) Lack of awareness
(vi) Gender Discrimination
Prevention measures –
(i) Educate your daughters
(ii) encourage them to make good career
(iii) Teach them to be independent and responsible
(iv) Treat equality
(v) Oppose the dowry system
(vi) Make those who take dowry aware of its ill-effects
(vii) discourage dowry takers and givers
43. What do you understand by family planning and write the factors affecting family planning in India ? ( 10 M )
Answer :-
Family planning is a voluntary and responsible decision, individually or jointly, to determine the size of the desired family and the time of birth of children, etc.
The factors affecting family planning are as follows –
(i) Economic reasons
(ii) Socio-cultural reasons
(iii) Environmental reasons
(iv) Location
(v) age
(vi) didactic
(vii) Traditional Beliefs
(viii) Knowledge of family
(ix) Religion
44. How is HIV AIDS spread ? How can I avoid this ? ( 10 M )
Answer :- Spread –
(i) unprotected sex
(ii) By taking HIV infected blood
(iii) Using an HIV infected syringe
(iv) shaving with HIV infected blade
(v) the birth of a child by an HIV-infected mother
Survival mode –
(i) have safe sex, use contraception
(ii) Get that blood tested before taking blood
(iii) Always use a new syringe
(iv) Always use fresh blood for shaving
(v) Having good knowledge about HIV
45. What is the purpose of social service ? ( 3 )
Answer :- The aim of social service is to do maximum good for individuals, groups and communities. So the social worker directs the attitudes of the individual and the interactions of the members of the group and the community, the behavior and determination of their goals in such a way that along with their interest, their larger society is also to be benefited.
46. Write 5 examples of social services ? ( 5 )
Answer :-
(i) Blood Donation
(ii) Plantation
(iii) Cleanliness Campaign
(iv) Adult Education
(v) Awareness campaign
(vi) Leprosy Prevention Campaign
(vii) Pulse Polio Campaign
(viii) Traffic Control
(ix) Will plant trees and make people aware to plant more and more trees
(x) By telling the people the harm caused by the dirt
47. Write short notes on the responsibility of the individual to the society ? ( 5 )
Answer :- It is our utmost duty to fulfill our responsibility towards the society fully. Whatever we have got from the society, we should return it to the society. Whatever we become, our hard work contributes as much to our social structure. So whatever we got from the society, it is our duty to return it.
48. Write a note on drug trafficking ? ( 5 )
Answer :- Drug trafficking is one of the most serious problems for most countries around the world. The punishment ranges from fines and several years in prison to death in different countries. Drug trafficking generally means the production, distribution and sale of illicit drugs.
49. Write a note on Swachh Bharat and Green India ? ( 10 )
Answer :-
Clean India :- Started on 2 October 2014, the goal of this campaign was to make India a clean India by 2019, the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji, its first goal is to free India from the trend of open defecation. Under this, the government should build toilets in every village and also appealed to the people to use these toilets.
Green India :- The Green Revolution in India was started in the year 1966 1967, the credit for starting it goes to Professor Norman Borlaug, but the Green Revolution in India is the result of the development method implemented in Indian agriculture, which in the 1960s replaced traditional agriculture with modern technology. The copy came out as being installed
50. Write a short note on Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao ? ( 5 M )
Answer :- The objective of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao program is to provide security to the existence of daughters and to increase the birth rate of daughters. Female feticide has to be stopped, therefore female feticide is a legal offense outside every hospital, this sentence is seen. To end exploitation against girls and make them self-reliant.
51. Write a short note on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ? ( 5 M )
Answer :- The goal of this campaign started on 2 October 2014 was to make India a clean India by 2019, the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji. Its first goal is to make India free from the tendency of open defecation. Under this, the government constructed toilets in every village. He also appealed to the people to use these toilets.
52. Brief note on female feticide ? ( 5 M )
Answer :- Due to female feticide –
Female feticide has been going on for centuries, especially in families that want only boys. There are various religious, socio-economic and emotional reasons behind this. Now the time has changed a lot, although various reasons and beliefs continue in some families even today.
53. Write short note on the following :- ( 10 )
(a) Man-made disasters :-
(i) Bomb blast
(ii) fire
(iii) Traffic accidents
(iv) Terrorism
(v) War
(b) Earthquake :-
The shaking of the surface of the earth is called earthquake. It is caused by seismic waves generated due to sudden release of energy in the Earth’s lithosphere.
54. What is AIDS and write the ways to avoid it ? ( 10 )
Answer :- AIDS itself is not a disease, but the human body suffering from AIDS infectious diseases, which are caused by bacteria and viruses, etc. HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) attacks the lymph-cells, the resistant substances present in the blood. does.
Survival mode –
(i) have safe sex, use contraception
(ii) Get that blood tested before taking blood
(iii) Always use a new syringe
(iv) Always use fresh blood for shaving
(v) Having good knowledge about HIV
55. Write short essay :- ( 10 M )
(a) Make in India :- Make in India has been created by the Government of India on 25 September 2014 to give emphasis on manufacturing of goods in India by domestic and foreign companies. To accelerate the growth of the economy, promote industrialization and entrepreneurship. India’s exports are less than its imports. Adopting Make in India will reduce India’s imports and boost exports.
(b) Start up India :- Startup India is an initiative of the Government of India. This campaign was announced by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15 August 2015 from the Red Fort.
The action plan of this initiative is focusing on the area –
(i) Facilitation and Hand Holding Business
(ii) New Start-up Financing Support
(iii) Systematic support during the incubation period
(c) Swachhta Pakhwada :- Swachhta Pakhwada was started in April 2016 with the objective of organizing a fortnight to give a strong emphasis on sanitation issues and practices in the working areas of Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. The Annual Calendar has already been circulated among the Ministries to assist the Ministries in planning for Pakwara activities.
(d) Blood Donation :- Blood donation occurs when a healthy person voluntarily gives his blood. Donated blood is used to treat sick people. A healthy person can donate blood once in 3 months.
56. Write a short note on Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana ? ( 3 )
Answer :- Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his last term. It is a scheme run by the central government under which the target is to provide pucca houses to more and more families in rural areas by 2022.
57. Comment briefly :- ( 5×4 = 20 )
(a) Indira Awas Yojana :- This scheme was started by the Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1985. Its goal was to provide housing to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and bonded labourers.
(b) NGO :-
(a) Non Governmental Organization
(b) It is a non-profit group
(c) It is mainly non-commercial
(d) NGOs first survey various problems and collect information and take steps to solve the social problem.
(c) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan :- This campaign started on 2 October 2014. The goal was to make India a clean India by the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji, 2019. Its first goal is to make India free from the tendency of defecation. Its Under this, the government should build toilets in village-village as well as appeal to the people Also that he should use these toilets.
(d) Child abuse :- When children are harassed physically and mentally, they are harassed. Under this, the minor children are included below the age of 18 years. Whenever children are scared or hurt, such an incident comes under the scope of child abuse.
58. Write short note on the following :- (15)
Answer :-
(a) Aadhar Card :-
(i) Aadhaar is the world’s largest biometric system
(ii) It bears a unique 12 digit number which is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India.
(iii) Aadhaar number is the lifelong identity of every individual
(iv) It facilitates access to banking and government and non-government services
(v) Aadhar card is necessary for all things Passport Jan Dhan account, LPG, in examination.
(b) Startup India –
(i) Its objective is to generate large scale employment i.e. economic development in the country
(ii) It will be exempted from income tax for the first 3 years from the start of business by startup businessmen.
(iii) It is proposed by the government to form a National Trust Company in which a budget allocation of ₹ 500 crore will be made annually for the next 4 years.
(iv) Innovation courses will be started for students and will be increased by focusing on 10 lakh children in 5 lakh schools.
(c) BHIM App –
(i) is a mobile app launched by the National Payments Corporation of India, a Government of India undertaking for financial transactions
(ii) Almost all Indian bank accounts can be used in BHIM app
(iii) You can remit ₹ 20000 per due amount
(iv) The maximum limit of remittance amount per day is ₹ 40000
(v) BHIM app currently supports 12 languages
(vi) Money can be remitted more than 20 times per day from a bank
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