Welcome to your Leadership 1 Quiz Test English
1. How many types of leaders are there ?
2. What is the full form of DM ?
3. What is the full form of YEP ?
4. Following orders from the rightful authority is called ?
5. What is another name for CV ?
6. Radio and television provide both entertainment and …….. ?
7. What is the main focus of cooperative discipline ?
8. What is the full form of NGO ?
9. Working in someone's absence is called ?
10. Social etiquette teaches us to behave in which context ?
11. Which is a responsibility of a citizen ?
12. What is the full form of WTLO ?
13. Image reflects a person's ?
14. Democratic leadership is a type of …….. ?
15. What is the full form of H & H ?
16. Shaking hands with palms facing downwards indicates ?
17. What is the full form of RTI ?
18. Performing duties with honesty, interest, and enthusiasm is called ?
19. A leader should have a sense of ?
20. How early should one arrive for an interview ?