NCC B, C Certificate Exam Model Paper Questions Answers in English


 1. Fill in the blanks :-

 (a) is turned from the ________ side in the back turn.

 (b) The left palm is ________ of the right palm in resting state.

 (c) During fast running the right salute is commanded on _______ foot.

 (d) The distance between the two claws at rest is ________.

 Ans:-  (a) Right    (b) Down     (c) Left     (d) 45 cm or 18 inch

 2. What is the difference between rank and file ?

 Ans:- Cadets in Rank stand side by side in a straight line, facing each other, stand next to and

in the File, the cadets follow each other in a straight line, covering from front to back. stand up.

 3. What are the features of Word of Command ?


  • To be spoken loudly and clearly
  • speak in a simple and loud voice
  • speak quickly
  • There should be some difference between the speech of the two parts

 4. What are the 4 basic values ​​of good fire ?


  • Aiming
  • Breathing
  • Firing
  • Follow Through 

 5. What is the meaning of group in firing, write in detail ?

 Ans:- In grouping fire, the maximum distance between two bullets is measured in centimeters. In this firing, fire all five bullets at the same target where the target of the first bullet is taken and keep your left elbow in its place until all the bullets are fired.

6. Fill in the blanks :-

 (a) .22 Rifle No. 2 The ground velocity of Mark IV is ________.

 (b) MPI stands for ________.

 (c) With a magazine full of 7.62 mm SLR weighs ________.

 (d) The effective range of 7.62 mm SLR is ________.


  • 1030 fit / sec
  • Mean Point Of Impact
  • 5.1 Kg
  • 300 yards / 275 meters

7. Write the correct sequence of firing.


  1. Good Holding
  2. Good aiming
  3. Good trigger operation

8. Write True False :-

 (i) Namami Gange is a sailing expedition in the river Ganges – ( F )

(ii) The orange color of the national flag signifies strength and courage – ( T )

(iii) Khujraho is situated in the state of Karnataka – ( F )

(iv) Mahavir Chakra is the best gallantry medal in India – ( F )

 (v) Kargil is a part of Ladakh – ( T )

9. Match the correct answer :-

(i) Seven Sister                (a) Loknayak

 (ii) Gulmarg                    (b) Karnataka State

 (iii) Mahavir                    (c) Vaishali

 (iv) Kolar Gold Mine      (d) Jammu and Kashmir

  (v) Jai Prakash (e) Meghalaya


(i) ——– (e)

(ii) ——– (d)

(iii) ——– (c)

(iv) ——– (b)

(v) ——– (a)

 10. Write the capital of these states :-

(a) Chhattisgarh —– Raipur

(b) Sikkim —– Gangtok

(c) Uttarakhand —– Dehradun

(d) Rajasthan —– Jaipur

(e) Gujarat —– Gandhinagar

 11. What is the role of NCC cadets in nation building ?


  • Poverty Alleviation
  • Road Construction
  • Higher Education
  • Human Resource Development
  • Maintaining National Integration
  • Discouraging corruption and evils
  • To help the backward class people
  • To develop secular outlook and spirit of tolerance

12. Write five difficulties that come in making awareness of national integration –


  1. Casteism
  2. Linguistic bigotry
  3. Communalism
  4. Regionalism
  5. Social Inequality
  6. Economic Inequality

 13. Write the names of the main five religions of India :-


  1. Hindu
  2. Muslim
  3. Sikh
  4. Christian
  5. Buddhist
  6. Jain


 14. Write 5 qualities of a good leader :-


  1. Vigilance
  2. Conduct
  3. Courage
  4. Decisive
  5. Reliability
  6. Patience
  7.  Enthusiasm
  8. Initiative
  9. Integrity
  10. Justice
  11. Knowledge
  12. Integrity
  13. Vivacity
  14. Tactics
  15. Selflessness

15. What will you do to improve your character ?


  • Knowing and capable of doing one’s job well
  • Knowing and improving one’s own abilities
  • Knowing the persons subordinate to you
  • Model Presentation
  • To develop team spirit among subordinates
  • Right and social construction     

16. What do you understand by team, describe different types of teams ?

 Ans:- Two or more interdependent individuals who share responsibility for the results and who are considered by themselves and others to be an intact social unit in a larger social system are called a team.

There are 4 types of team :-

  1. Functional team
  2. Problem solving team
  3. Cross functional team
  4. Self managed team

 17. Describe all the activities that NCC Cadets do Develops personality and character :-


  • It is the role of NCC to produce a good citizen
  • To serve one’s country with pledge and reverence, with unity and discipline
  • To inculcate a sense of discipline in a person
  • To inculcate a sense of selfless service in every individual
  • to respect the national flag
  • To obey the law and order of the country
  • Respecting all religion and culture
  • respecting the elderly and women

 18. Write the qualities of leadership :-


  • Honest
  • Sincere
  • Enthusiastic
  • Disciplined
  • Healthy
  • Intelligent
  • patient
  • courageous
  • decisive
  • prompt
  • virtuous
  • energetic
  • determined
  • initiative

 19. Select the correct answer :-

 (a) What is it called to work even in the absence of someone ?

    (i) Decision    (ii) Initiative   (iii) Action   (iv) None of these

 Ans:- (ii) Initiative

 (b) to perform his duty with sincere, interest and enthusiasm is called :-

    (i) Management   (ii) Duties   (iii) Initiative   (iv) None of these

 Ans:- (ii) Duty

 (c) The main uses of leadership are :-

    (i) instilling confidence              (ii) encouraging

  (iii) Encouraging employees       (iv) All of these

 Ans:- (iv) All of these

 (d) Compliance with the order by the right officer is called ?

      (i) Discipline     (ii) Duty     (iii) Work      (iv) None of these

 Ans:- (i) Discipline

(e) To obey orders by his discretion is called –

     (i) Duty      (ii) Work      (iii) Discipline     (iv) None of these

 Ans:- (iii) Discipline

 20. Write the method of developing leadership qualities :-


  • Knowing and capable of doing one’s job well
  • Knowing and improving one’s own abilities
  • Knowing his subordinates and their sense of well being
  • Presenting one’s ideal
  • giving complete information to subordinates, explaining the work, redressal and completion of work
  • To develop the spirit of subordinates
  • Right and Social Construction
  • To develop accountability among subordinates
  • to subordinates according to their capacity
  • To develop a sense of responsibility in oneself towards the work of subordinates


 21. Fill in the blanks :-

 (a) Earthquake is measured in ________.

 (b) There are ________ types of disasters, ________ and ________.

 (c) NDRF stands for ________.


(a) Richter scale

(b) 2, man-made and natural

(c) National Disaster Rescue Force

 22. Into how many parts is the fire party divided and their functions ?

 Ans:- In 4 parts :-

  1. Fire Picketing Party – Surrounding the place on fire protect tax
  2. Fire Fighting Party – works to put out the fire
  3. Fire Solvage Party – To remove goods and people from the place of fire pulls out
  4. Reserve Party – helps all the three parties according to the need 

 23. What is fire and write the names of fire fighting equipments ?

 Ans:- Fire is the rapid oxidation of combustion sealed substances, which gives rise to heat, light. and many other chemical repulsive products such as carbon Dioxide and water are produced.

 Equipments :- Fire Extinguisher, Fire Hydrant, Fire Blanket, Deluge Gun, Portable Water Tank, Skid Unit, Fog Nozzle, Hard Suction Hose, Escape Chute, Steam Pumper, Hook Ladder, Cutting Extinguisher.

 24. Write a short note on the following :-


(a) Aadhaar :-

  • Aadhaar is the world’s largest biometric system
  • A unique 12 digit number is printed in it which is known as Indian Issues Unique Identification Authority
  • Aadhaar number is the lifelong identity of every individual
  • It provides facilities for banking and government and non-government services. convenience to do
  • Aadhar card is necessary for all things, Passport Jan Dhan account, LPG exam.

 (b) Startup India

  • Its objective is to generate employment on a large scale in the country to do is to do economic development.
  • In this, for the first 3 years from the start of business by the startup, Businessmen will be exempt from income tax
  • It is proposed by the Government to form a National Trust Company in which Budget allocation of ₹ 500 crore will be made annually for the next 4 years
  • Innovation courses will be started for the students and in 5 lakh schools It will be increased by focusing on 10 lakh children.

  (c) BHIM App

  •  Indian National Payments Undertakings of Government of India for Financial Transactions is a mobile app launched by the corporation
  • Almost all Indian bank accounts can be used in BHIM app
  • You can remit ₹ 20000 per due amount
  • The maximum limit of remittance amount per day is ₹ 40000
  • BHIM app currently supports 12 languages
  • Money can be remitted more than 20 times per day from a bank

 25. As an NCC cadet, how are you in the operation against terrorism?  would help ?


  • Identifying the elements promoting terrorism and telling the administration
  • By taking out an awareness rally against terrorism
  • To make people aware of the damage caused by terrorism and their duty
  • To make people aware of their fundamental rights
  • advising people not to be misled by anyone
  • To inform people about the benefits of government schemes
  • To make people aware of education 

 26. What do you understand by wound , Write the types of first aid ?


The breakdown of the continuity of the skin or muscle membrane of the body due to any injury etc. is called wound.

 Wounds can be classified as follows:-

 (i) Incision Wounds: – Wounds that occur when cut with a sharp-edged tool, such as a blade, knife, etc., are called incision wounds.

 (ii) Penetration wound:- The wound caused by direct penetration by a needle, knife, dagger or bayonet is called pain wound.

 (iii) Crude wound:- This wound is caused by a blunt instrument or a punch. It is also called missing injury.

 (iv) Cracked wounds: – These wounds are usually caused by some blunt-heavy means. Their edges are torn or crooked.

 (v) Bullet Wound:- This wound is caused by a gunshot wound. Sometimes it goes across the body. It can also lead to fractures.

 (vi) Bomb wound:- This wound is caused by the pellets of a bomb or grenade. These wounds are very deep. They do not have any definite shape and type.

 27. Write briefly about any 6 asanas of Yogasana.


  1. Surya Namaskar – It eliminates skin disease, the possibility of it happening expires
  2. Shavasana – By doing this asana the mind becomes calm and the body gets energy. meets
  3. Shirshasana – With this asana, the protruding stomach is reduced and Digestive power increases
  4. Trikonasana – This asana creates tension in the hands, feet and body parts. It happens that the person remains healthy
  5. Sarvangasana – It provides strength to the liver and cleanses the intestines. It also increases the stature
  6. Chakrasana – By doing this asana, the stomach never comes out and the stomach reduces fat

 28. How will you ensure personal hygiene in NCC camps ?


  • Keep the food neat and covered
  • will spray DDT
  • will not allow water logging
  • will arrange water for cleaning the bathing utensils
  • will arrange pure water for drinking
  • will keep 4-5 socks
  • put a mosquito net while sleeping
  • Make proper arrangements for defecation so that dirt does not spread

 29. What do you plan during Patna to Ranchi cycle journey and Expect ?


  • First to make Root March Chart
  • Cycle Riders must be Medically Fit
  • Cycle and its spare parts should be in proper condition
  • According to the number of people, taking care of road pay formation
  • Ensuring space for rest and refreshments in between
  • Taking permission in writing from the administration
  • All the resources falling in the middle like NCC Battalion, Informing NSS, Police Station etc.   

 30. Write the names of the items used for organizing Tech :-


  • Water Bottle
  • Munching Items
  • Backpack
  • Trekking Shoes
  • Swiss Knife
  • Torch Light
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Trek Pants/Trousers
  • Cap/Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Trek Route Chart
  • Medical Kit

 31. Write short note on the following :-


 (a) Environment :- All living beings including flora, fauna, mankind and their The physical complex concerned is called the environment.

 There are two types of environment :-

  1. physical environment
  2. biological environment

(b) Ozone layer :- The ozone layer is a very thin cover in the stratosphere region of the atmosphere at an altitude of 20-30 kilometers above the earth’s surface. In terms of the volume of the atmosphere, it is about 10 PPM. This ozone layer is the protector of the environment. blocks the ultraviolet rays of the sun from reaching the earth

(c) Green house effect :- It is a natural process by which a planet or the satellite’s atmosphere is balanced

 It has the following functions:-

  • Prevents skin diseases
  • Keeps the earth’s atmosphere balanced
  • Life on earth is possible only due to green house effect  
  • Waste Management :-

A resource is a collection of materials used for recycling/waste work. The term refers to a material that is made from human activities and is made so as to minimize its impact on humans on their healthy environment or aesthetics. It is also used to extract resources:- solid, liquid, gas, radioactive material.

(e) Energy Conservation :- To do any work, to follow such a method or process that it takes less energy to complete that work, it is called conservation of energy.

 32. What do you understand by water harvesting ?

 answer :-

The process of storing rainwater in a particular medium is called rainwater harvesting. The scarcity of drinking water is becoming a problem all over the world. The reason for this is also the continuous going down of the water level of the earth. For this, it is necessary to collect and recharge the rainwater that gets into the ocean, so that the groundwater resources can be enriched. 


 33. What are the objectives of providing handicap training to NCC cadets ?


 Following are the objectives:-

  • Developing adventurous spirit in the cadets
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • To develop the spirit of discipline
  • To develop leadership qualities
  • To increase the spirit of cooperation
  • To develop team spirit

 34. Name any four Obstacles :-


  • Straight Balance
  • High Jump
  • Gate Vault
  • Double Stride Jump
  • Zig-Zag Balance
  • Left Hand Vault
  • Right Hand Vault
  • Ramp
  • Clear Jump
  • Straight Balance 
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