Welcome to your Health & Hygiene 2 Quiz Test English
1. Disinfection of water is done by mixing ………… powder ?
2. Heart receives blood through ………… ?
3. In case of snake bite ………… injection is given ?
4. .......... blood group is a universal donor ?
5. Anemia is caused by deficiency of ………… in the body ?
6. Due to deficiency of Vitamin A ............ disease occurs ?
7. International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on ………… ?
8. Write the full form of HB.
9. Normal blood pressure is ………… ?
10. Vitamin 'K' helps in ………… ?
11. Can ......... and .............. asanas be done immediately after meals ?
12. Cholera spreads through ………… and ………… ?
13. The average requirement of sleep in a day is ………… to ………… hours ?
14. Write the name of blood groups ?
15. ........... latrines are used during the camp ?
16. ............ is a water borne disease ?
17. The normal temperature of human body is ………… ?
18. Viral fever is ………… disease ?
19. Write the full name of WHO.
20. Which organ is affected by Covid-19 ?
21. Conjunctivitis is a disease of ………… ?
22. The two Anti Covid Vaccine manufactured in India are ………….