[1] Field Craft and Battle Craft / FC and BC / FC & BC – NCC A, B & C Certificate Exam Questions and Answers in English

1. Write any five methods of estimating distance  :-

 Ans :-

 (a) Unit  method                            (b) Appearance method 

 (c) Section averaging method       (d) range method

 (e) bracketing method                   (f) Howing method

2. Why do things appear ?

Ans :-  Due to not using 6 S and 1 M Correctly, Things look like :-

            (i) Shape             (ii) Shadow                (iii) Shine

          (iv) Surface           (v) Spacing                (vi) Silhouette

 &     (i) Movement

3. State five types of section formation :-

  Ans :-  

  (i) File Formation                       (ii) Single File Formation

 (iii) Diamond Formation            (iv) Spear-Head Formation

 (v) Aero-Head Formation           (vi) Extended Line Formation

4. Fill in the blanks :-

 (i)  _____  land and weapons to our advantage The art of using

  Ans :-   FC ( Field Craft )

(ii) Four ground is at a distance of ________ Yards.

  Ans :- 300 Yards

 (iii) The distance when looking for a hill is _________.  

Ans :-  More than real

 (iv) When measuring the angle with the palm open to the ground ______ And the closed fist measures ______ .

  Ans :-   19° and 8°

5. When is the distance visible more than the actual ?

  Ans :-

  (i) low light

 (ii) Sun is in front of the beholder

 (iii) Looking through the valley

 (iv) the size of the target when smaller than the nearest object

 (v) When the beholder is looking from top to bottom

 (vi) Raised ground between the observer and the target

6. When does the distance appear less than the original ?

  Ans :-

 (i) when the sun is behind the beholder

 (ii) when the size of the target is greater than that of the near object

 (iii) the ground between the observer and the target is buried

 (iv) When the observer is looking up from the bottom

 (v) having more light

7. What is the procedure for land details ?

  Ans :-

 (i) Fore Ground           (ii) Middle Ground           (iii) Near Ground

8. Write about different types of petrol :-

  Ans :-  It is of two types :-

                            (a) Reiki Patrol 

   (i) Collecting enemy identification

  (ii) geographical and technical information

 (iii) To collect information about the tendency and nature of the enemy

                             (b) Protective Patrol

 (ii) sending advance notice of the enemy’s arrival and to tangle

 (iii) Own land ( No Man’s Land ) retain possession

9. Write Field Craft and Battle Craft in detail.

Ans :-  To get success in the fight it is necessary to know about FC, by hiding your movements from the enemy, after reaching close to the enemy, camouflage your body and equipment in the same way according to the area and camouflage in every area.  Before Chandi one thing should be kept in mind;  According to the area like :-

 (i) Taking care of sand in the local area

 (ii) of snow in a snowy area

 (iii) Grass or green leaves in the area where there is a dense forest is used

 Advantages from BC :- 

  (i) Statement of ground marks              (ii) Field Signal

 (iii) Platoon Formation etc.

10. Fields used during night time Name ?

Ans :-  (i) With the hand/weapon at the visible place

                  (ii) by sound in an invisible place

                 (iii) radio sets, ropes, cables and any other facility

11. Tell the types of moves :-

Ans :-   Two types –

                   (i) without a weapon               (ii) with weapons

6 types of  without Weapons :-

 (i) the movement of the monkey          (ii) the speed of the cat

 (iii) the speed of the kitten                   (iv) Cheetah’s speed

 (v) lying on the stomach                      (vi) by rolling

 with Weapons 4 types :-

 (i) the movement of the monkey           (ii) the speed of the cat

 (iii) by rolling                                       (iv) normal speed

12. Who is called Ambush ?

  Ans :- Hiding on a moving or stationary enemy ambush It is called  ambush I made a sudden attack and left immediately Have to go  Best to ambush Misleading and attacking the Law Enemy Have to do

13. State the objectives of the ambush :-

  Ans :-

 (i) Collecting confidential information

 (ii) reducing the number of enemies

 (iii) troubling the enemy more and more

14. Tell the types of Ambush :-

  Ans :- Two types –

                    (i) Opportunity Ambush and      (ii) Deliberate Ambush

15. How many parties does ambush have ?

  Ans :-    Four parties — (i) Scouts                  (ii) Covering

                                             (iii) stops and             (iv) Reserve Party

16. Write the characteristics of Ambush ?

  Ans :-

 (i) Surprise                    (ii) Maximize use of control fire power

 (iii) Simplicity              (iv) firm intention

 (v) Self Defense            (vi) high standard of education and  

17. Advantages of Section Formation Drill and  Tell me the damage ?

Ans :-    Advantage :–

 (i) Mobility easy                                   (ii) Easy Flexibility

 (iii) saving time                                    (iv) easy control commands

 (v) Facilitation in completing the task  (vi) more fire power

 Loss :-

 (i) Lack of surprise                   (ii) Difficult to adapt to the times

 (iii) Decrease in attack plan     (iv) Air Hazard

18. What are the targets of Ambush ?

  Ans :-

   (i) Vehicles carrying Ammunition   

  (ii) Cars carrying ration to the next position

 (iii) Roadie or Pool Protection Party

 (iv) Signal line or repairing party

  (v) One Way Patrol Party

 (vi) Parties going to Water Point

 (vii) Parties referred to LP or OP

19. Ambush is used for what purpose ?

Ans :-

  (i) Enemy soldiers and vehicles as much as possible to harm

 (ii) To get the necessary news

(iii) To harass or intimidate the enemy in such a way that he reply to the entire army on the ground to defend itself Do it

20. What do you understand by cover ?

 Answer :- Those figures or places where from the eyes of the enemy And his fire can be avoided and the enemy’s top can be easily fired.


There is a place where soldiers in time of war The ship of the picture can hide and hide easily on the enemy able to attack and be captured or killed Could be saved  This is a place where activities can be operated easily and where accommodation and rest arrangements can be made can. Upper Mare Straight When In Cover Can avoid sight and attack.

21. What are the types of cover ?

  Ans :-    Two types :-

                    (i) Cover From View               (ii) Cover From Fire

 (i) Cover From View – Those figures which protect from the eyes of the enemy Where is the secret surveillance over the enemy to be kept and kept out of his sight can go  use of cover to think carefully Should, such as: – bush, vegetable or broken Broken ground cover.

 (ii) Covered by fire – Those figures which are used to protect the enemy’s fire and Protects from sight, such as :- wall, big Trees etc.

22. State the characteristics of a good Cover ?

 An Ans :-

 (i) Where the enemy can be kept secretly and put fire on it

 (ii) From where enemy surveillance and fire can be avoided

 (iii) from where it can be carried forward easily

 (iv) where being in resting position for a long time Can it

23. What is Camoflage ?

Ans :-

It is the use of artificial goods ( Man Made ). The art of hiding.

24. What is Concealment ?

Ans :-   It is natural scene and shape. hide from enemy sight and firing with the help of is art.  Main Objective of Concealment in Battle to suddenly attack or attack oneself is to be saved.

25. Keep in mind while doing camouflage and concealment What are the things to keep ?

  Ans :-

   (i) Size               (ii) Shadow picture        (iii) Mutual distance

 (iv) movement     (v) brightness position   (vi) asymmetry 

(vii) sound, noise etc.

Q. What is the main principle of Camouflage and Concealment ?

  Ans :-

 (i) the brightness of the uniform, weapons and vehicles and reshape outline

 (ii) Using shadow

 (iii) avoiding the horizon line

 (iv) walking slowly

 (v) matching the color of the surrounding land

 (vi) not to act unnecessarily

 (vii) Do not let your shadow fall in the water

 (viii) The items of the Conciliation shall be disposed of with respect to time and circumstances. keep changing

26. Write the types of land ?

Ans :-    6 types –

   (i) Flat Ground            (ii) High Ground           (iii)  Low Ground  

 (iv) Dead Ground          (v)  Slopy Ground         (vi) Broken Ground

27. What is Field Craft ?

Ans :-  Field craft is the art by which we can fight Make good use of available time learn. Soldier cleverness using this art Effectively attack the enemy while defending him self from can attack. We by Field Craft all natural and man- made located on land Make full use of structures and kill the enemy Learn to inflict maximum damage.

28. What are the main objectives of Field Craft ?

Ans :-   It has 5 main purposes, also known as 5 F. Is known :-

 (i) Finding – Finding the enemy secretly get closer

 (ii) Follow  Doing

 (iii) To fool – to deceive the enemy

 (iv) Fix – Enveloping the enemy

 (v) Shooting ( Fire ) – Finish by shooting the enemy Doing

29. What is the importance of Field Craft ?

 Answer :- If you are proficient in field craft in painting Only then will you be able to proceed towards the goal on the ground and Can destroy the enemy.  this art you makes you so skillful that in any way you of land, plain, forest, mountain, valley, snow, river, Will be able to overcome the enemy in the desert etc. Battlefield Structure and soldiers’ Fieldcraft decisive on the outcome of the war effect occurs.

30. Factors affecting section formation Which are ?

Ans :-

 (i) Ground 

 (ii) Section work

 (iii) the need for the control of the section Commander ( Command & Control )

(iv) to fire as much as possible in the shortest possible time required  ( Quick Fire Power )

Best Of Luck                                                                                                                          Thanks                                                                                                                                         Jai Hind

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